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     Internet Search Results 

What does "MO" mean after the name of a US city?
The state abbreviation (such as MO) is sometimes required because quite often there is more than one city with the same name in the US. There is a "Portland" in Maine and one in Oregon; Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas (same city, but the state line runs across the city), and almost each state has it's own "Springfield".

B1/B2 visa refused twice. Will my ESTA be approved?
I was denied B1/B2 visa twice 2002 and 2004. Subsequently US visas were issued 2005, 2007, 2010, 2014. No other refusals any country. Travelled to USA and UK several times and always stayed within

I have no identification to get on the bus, how does that work?
I have no identification, but I do have a face sheet from a treatment center with my face and information on it. I also have my California foodstamp card with my name and my debit card with my name...

Can I apply for a new Indian e-visa if my previous e-visa has not ...
You can apply for a new Indian e-visa even if your current one has not yet expired, but it is possible that the application may be rejected due to the existing valid visa. If a visa is rejected for this reason, it typically won't affect your chances of obtaining a new visa after your current one expires, as long as all other requirements are met.

How much money do you need to have on hand when entering USA?
It helps to understand the goal of the CBP. They're looking for people who are (A) planning to overstay or (B) planning to work while on a tourist visa. The first category may have excessive funds on them, the second category may be lacking funds. Looking "well-off" (to quote CGCampbell) is an indication of a good job elsewhere. That tends to exclude you from both categories, even when ...

What's the difference between 'Redress Number' and 'Known Traveler ...
No you do not. A Known Traveler Number is for PreCheck. You can get into PreCheck via a number of programs, including Nexus. For Nexus people, put your PASSID (from the back of your card) into the Known Traveler Number field. A redress number is like an override if your name is on the Do Not Fly. Most of us don't have them. But people with the same name as someone on DNF can apply to have ...

Drive from Hong Kong to Macau, without entering Mainland China
Gratuitous image of a unicorn, a triple plate MO (centre) / HK (bottom) / Guangdong (top). The main plate is from Macau. No you can't. For a couple of reasons. First, the HKZHMO bridge is mostly inside Mainland China (which is why vehicles drive on the right on the bridge), but that isn't part of the reasons. While technically inside Mainland China, you're in a kind of no-man's-land. Reason 1 ...

Travel to India with Indian passport having less than 6 months validity
I have an international flight this Friday (25 Sep 2020) from San Francisco to Delhi. The airline is Air India. I am trying to do web check in (and health undertaking) on Air India website but it ...

How to get from the Faroe Islands to the Shetland Islands
How do I get from the Faroe Islands to the Shetland Islands or the other way round? Is there anything besides a flight via Scotland?

What kind of ID does the US accept when visiting bars or drinking age ...
For tourists visiting the states, what kind of ID do you need to carry with you to visit bars or drinking age events? I understand the passport is the main piece of ID but do they accept any other...

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