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     Internet Search Results 

Hydrogen - Wikipedia
Hydrogen is a chemical element; it has symbol H and atomic number 1. It is the lightest element and, at standard conditions, is a gas of diatomic molecules with the formula H2, sometimes called dihydrogen, [11] hydrogen gas, molecular hydrogen, or simply hydrogen. It is colorless, odorless, [12] non-toxic, and highly combustible.

Hydrogen | Properties, Uses, & Facts | Britannica
hydrogen (H), a colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gaseous substance that is the simplest member of the family of chemical elements. The hydrogen atom has a nucleus consisting of a proton bearing one unit of positive electrical charge; an electron, bearing one unit of negative electrical charge, is also

Hydrogen - Department of Energy
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe; it is also the simplest and the lightest. Although hydrogen constitutes nearly 75% of all the universe’s matter, only a small fraction of the hydrogen accessible on Earth exists in a pure state (not bonded to other elements).

Hydrogen - Element information, properties and uses | Periodic Table
Element Hydrogen (H), Group 1, Atomic Number 1, s-block, Mass 1.008. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and images.

Hydrogen | H (Element) - PubChem
Hydrogen is the raw fuel that most stars 'burn' to produce energy. The same process, known as fusion, is being studied as a possible power source for use on earth. The sun's supply of hydrogen is expected to last another 5 billion years. From the Greek word hydro (water), and genes (forming).

Hydrogen | History, Uses, Facts, Physical & Chemical Characteristics
Hydrogen is one of the three most abundant elements present on Earth. It was discovered in 1766 by Henry Cavendish and is widely used for various industrial, medical and recreational purposes.

What is hydrogen? | Hydrogen energy explained - National Grid Group
Hydrogen is a clean alternative to methane and is the most abundant chemical element, estimated to contribute 75% of the mass of the universe. Find out why hydrogen is important as a future clean energy source to fuel our homes and businesses.

Hydrogen | H2 | CID 783 - PubChem
Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless gas. It is easily ignited. Once ignited it burns with a pale blue, almost invisible flame. The vapors are lighter than air. It is flammable over a wide range of vapor/air concentrations. Hydrogen is not toxic but is a simple asphyxiate by the displacement of oxygen in the air.

Facts About Hydrogen - Live Science
Hydrogen is essential for life, and it is present in nearly all the molecules in living things, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry. The element also occurs in the stars and powers the...

Hydrogen (H) - Definition, Preparation, Properties, Uses, Compounds ...
Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe, consisting of just one proton and one electron. This lightweight, colorless gas is found in great abundance in stars and gas giants and is a fundamental building block in the chemistry of life.

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